…until something changes

…bis sich was ändert
31. Mai 2024
Warum mehr arbeiten als nötig?
7. Juni 2024

(Ger­man ver­si­on)


Poli­tics in Ger­ma­ny is curr­ent­ly just as dif­fi­cult as else­whe­re. But one slo­gan for the upco­ming Euro­pean elec­tions has caught my attention:

“I’ll be annoy­ing until some­thing changes.”

Is that the case, I ask mys­elf, does chan­ge real­ly work in such a way that we only have to nag until some­thing chan­ges? Like a child whi­ning at the super­mar­ket check­out until it gets its way? I am skep­ti­cal. As a rule, chan­ge is direc­ted against our habits, beliefs or what the herd around us belie­ves and does. For this reason, chan­ge must be strong enough to over­co­me them all.

Let’s take a clo­ser look at the most com­mon approa­ches and their characteristics:


  1. to hear or see

It doesn’t mat­ter whe­ther someone argues, appeals to us, or whe­ther we see, hear or read some­thing. As pure reci­pi­ents of infor­ma­ti­on, we even find it dif­fi­cult to remem­ber after a short time. We are sim­ply con­fron­ted with too many thoughts the­se days. The brain may con­den­se what we hear or see into a sin­gle remem­be­red thought. That’s it. And as soon as we compa­re our very fami­li­ar rea­li­ty with the thought we heard for the first time, it’s “game”, “set”, “match”, and “fami­li­ar” wins against “new”. A clear case of home advantage.


  1. to repeat

The effect of affir­ma­ti­ons is based on the fact that we hear the same lines or see the same images again and again. This cer­tain­ly leads to a stron­ger ancho­ring in the sub­con­scious, but it works just as well as it did when we heard “sit up straight”, “eat slow­ly” or “put your elbow down” over and over again when we were child­ren. The abo­ve quo­te from Ms. Strack-Zimmermann works the same way. It’s a clas­sic attri­ti­on stra­tegy until the other per­son can’t take it any more or gives in for fear of punish­ment. It works somehow, but it doesn’t bring about las­ting chan­ge as long as the­re is a lack of inner conviction.


  1. to empa­thi­ze

When peo­p­le with whom we are emo­tio­nal­ly con­nec­ted descri­be in vivid lan­guage the dan­ger they were in under cer­tain con­di­ti­ons, we can imme­dia­te­ly chan­ge our beha­vi­or based on their words alo­ne and avo­id simi­lar situa­tions in future. This indi­ca­tes that it is important whe­ther we per­cei­ve what we hear as rele­vant and whe­ther we are emo­tio­nal­ly affected.


  1. to expe­ri­ence

When we expe­ri­ence some­thing with all our sen­ses that is taking place in rea­li­ty, we are cer­tain­ly the least able to look away or imme­dia­te­ly deny the rele­van­ce of what is new. We expe­ri­ence abso­lut­e­ly com­pa­ra­ble situa­tions to our fami­li­ar rea­li­ty, or at least ana­lo­gies that lead to dif­fe­rent results thanks to dif­fe­rent rules. With the help of our expe­ri­ence, we can assess what we have wit­nessed, expe­ri­ence it as rele­vant and are also emo­tio­nal­ly invol­ved as soon as we dis­co­ver tan­gi­ble advan­ta­ges or disadvantages.


  1. to exe­cu­te

The step up from pas­si­ve expe­ri­ence is the acti­ve imple­men­ta­ti­on of a chan­ged pro­ce­du­re. This requi­res some per­sua­si­on, but as soon as we start to expe­ri­ment and con­scious­ly and thoughtful­ly exe­cu­te our acti­vi­ties dif­fer­ent­ly, we have the chan­ce to achie­ve bet­ter results and thus crea­te rele­vant suc­ces­ses with emo­tio­nal poten­ti­al. Prai­se and reco­gni­ti­on from out­side can fur­ther streng­then the emo­tio­nal impact.


  1. to force

Nowa­days, chan­ge is incre­asing­ly forced with power. Sen­sors, soft­ware auto­ma­ti­on or ack­now­led­ge­ment at the touch of a but­ton ensu­re that actions can only be car­ri­ed out in a sin­gle desi­red order and man­ner. For bet­ter or worse, we have to com­ply if we want to achie­ve the desi­red result. And once we have accept­ed this, habit soon heals all wounds.


In a com­pa­ri­son of com­mon approa­ches, the solu­ti­ons that pro­mi­se the most effec­ti­ve chan­ge suc­cess are tho­se in which tho­se invol­ved per­cei­ve the acti­vi­ties as rele­vant and feel emo­tio­nal­ly enga­ged by tan­gi­ble results. The­r­e­fo­re, it has pro­ven useful to actively add the­se ingre­di­ents to all chan­ge initia­ti­ves in order to impro­ve the chan­ces of success.


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